Thank you for your interest in StrucSure Home Warranty’s insurance-backed warranty program developed specifically for manufacturers and dealer/builders of manufactured and modular homes.
Our warranty covers workmanship and materials, delivery portions of systems (wiring, piping, and ductwork), and major structural defects and offers a solid risk management solution that will provide peace-of-mind to both you and your clients. The one- and two-year components are surety coverage and the structural coverage is direct. Please click here to understand the coverage types and what they mean to you.
Membership fees are $295. For a warranty rate quote and additional information, please call us at 1.877.806.8777.
If you are ready to register in the program, please click on the appropriate button below. Once your application is processed, we will send you information on how to start enrolling the homes you build/sell/ and/or install for warranty coverage.